Sunday, October 23, 2011

Drunk Poetry

I need to stop writing drunk poetry

sloppy is the writing
and the rhyme
dull is the plot
too long duration-time
weak is the subject
usually myself
the kind of shit
even I'd leave on the shelf

I often repeat one line,
as I really do every time I write,
when I struggle for inspiration
I find one I enjoy and continuously
try to work off of it

I often repeat one line,
too tired to think
to poor a writer to actually write
although I'm sure sometimes
in my drunken state
I've actually forgotten I used it already,
a spark of wonder opens my slit-ed eyes,
my eyebrows crack upwards
shattering the pane of my forehead
as I scribble maliciously
contently recording another
brilliant and original enlightened thought
oh what a silly sloshed Saddartha am I!

I often repeat one line,
under the assumption it gives
poem structure
under the impression it adds
pleasant rhythm
I should have read
less Whitman,
maybe more Yeats or Keats
or Byron
I should have started with
one great line
perhaps the only one you'll remember
and ended in a nice
perhaps thoughtful couplet
something-something sublet

I often repeat one line,
and instead of ending
like the Aristotle
I usually have my last stanza
be the same as the first stanza
so it seems a clever ending
or so at least I end
as strongly as I began
I should realize I am writing a poem
I should come to some sad yet beautiful conclusion
not revert to my best joke
like some sorry stand-up comedian

I suppose the conclusion here is:

I need to stop writing drunk poetry.

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