Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm less the Romantic

I'm less the romantic
with each passing day
the draining heart
has so little left to say

It's not for lack of trying
(well maybe it is)
but work is my love
as well as my mistress

When it comes to women
I have no standards
but unfortunately for me
they sure do have theirs

a cartoonist, a painter, a poet, an actor,
a writer, a reader, a lover, an athlete...

we could watch football
or hockey
or the evening news
or romantic comedy

we could go to a film or a show
or a poetry reading
or a museum opening
or an art expo

we could garden or decorate
or jog or bike or ice skate

we could take the train to the ballgame
and drink twelve beers between us
or we could stay in and fuck
or make love
or read on opposite sides of the couch
fireplace going or not
tea or soda in hand

we could visit her parents
or avoid them if they're cruel
we could go hiding in Europe
we could travel or take a class
at the local community school

we could go out or stay in
we could talk or sleep
we could cook or take-in
or go out to eat

we could have a dog or a cat or a kid
we could have a house or a cottage or a loft
a yard or a radiator
a city at our feet
or no one for miles

we could go to a bar or a ball
or some business banquet

we could help each other dress

she could tie my tie
and show me her dress

and I will actually have an opinion

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